still from 16mm film
I found a sewer which takes all the city-dirt into a river. At night I crawled 30 meter stream-upwards through the dirt. Afterwards I cleaned myself in the same river.
In a miniature telegraph line wires are glowing according to the morse-alphabeth. For each wire a text was prepared. One addresses a question about distance, state of mind and time. The other gives a possible answer to that question. The audience is invited to transscribe the messages.
The notion of time and table-conventions is tested in an enviroment that looks at first sight as a normal diningroom. Hidden inside the table and under the floor a system of pipes is connected to the plates. From behind a wall the plates are constantly filled with soup. The idea of not finnishing their meal is to most guests uncomfortable.
Curriculum vitae
2001 - 2004Beeld en Geluid Den Haag, Koninklijke Academie van Beeldende Kunsten Diploma behaald
1999 - 2002Sonologie Koninklijk conservatorium Den Haag
2012Fierce festival, Birmingham, UK Groep
2012Chapter, Cardiff, Wales Groep
2011A lost point of view, Zzondag Villa Ockenburg, Den Haag, NL Groep
2010Roter Salon der Volksbuhne, Berlin, Germany Duo
2010Easy show, kamer laakkwartier, Den Haag, NL Groep
2009Auxisus, TactileBosch, Cardiff, Wales Groep
2009Tour de dada, Scheltema, Leiden, NL Groep
20087a*11d International Festival of Performance Art, Toronto, Canada Groep
2008gallery Art claims impulse, Berlin, Germany Duo
2008Vivid, Birmingham, UK Groep
Kunst der Begegnung kasko Basel performance festival
Internationale uitwisselingen / Artist-in-residencies
2008gallery Art-Claims-Impulse Berlin, artists-in-residence
2008We left the warm stable and entered the latex void, Montreal, Canada, artists-in-residence
Prijzen en stipendia
2009pro invest subsidie Stroom Den Haag
2007pro invest subsidie Stroom Den Haag
2006presentatie buitenland Nederlandse Ambassade London
2005materiaalbudged voor productie nieuw werk Materiaalfonds Amsterdam
2005individuele presentatie subsidie Stroom Den Haag
artistieke nevenactiviteiten
2009 - --kunstenaarsinitiatief Walden Affairs Loopt nog
2007 - 2008kunstenaarsinitiatief Paparazzi
2001 - 2007kunstenaarsinitiatief De Garage