Part of the larger series Agrafa mountain tops
Part of the larger series Agrafa mountain tops
1:1 nokia replicas of phones I have associated with people from my childhood memories. Casted and melted in my self made furnace
On daily basis Leonie transformed by an instagram filter reads a Greek saying.
Because I have an Austrian passport, identify as Greek and do not speak German, I created a series of works “Entschuldigung ich spreche nicht so viel Deutsch”. Within this series, I contest the common notion, especially popular with government officials such as border control, that a person is identified according to his/her passport. This series was presented in two exhibitions at the Goethe Institute in Rotterdam. It was crucial to the artwork that it was shown in an institution that teaches language and culture.
Because I have an Austrian passport, identify as Greek and do not speak German, I created a series of works “Entschuldigung ich spreche nicht so viel Deutsch”. Within this series, I contest the common notion, especially popular with government officials such as border control, that a person is identified according to his/her passport. This series was presented in two exhibitions at the Goethe Institute in Rotterdam. It was crucial to the artwork that it was shown in an institution that teaches language and culture.
Because I have an Austrian passport, identify as Greek and do not speak German, I created a series of works “Entschuldigung ich spreche nicht so viel Deutsch”. Within this series, I contest the common notion, especially popular with government officials such as border control, that a person is identified according to his/her passport. This series was presented in two exhibitions at the Goethe Institute in Rotterdam. It was crucial to the artwork that it was shown in an institution that teaches language and culture.
Installation made specifically for Now or Never #4 exhibition in Gem museum voor actuele kunst
Collaboration with Leonie Schneider. Series of photographs of the two us posing with dough covering our face. Exhibition FRESH DOUGH
Camouflaging baking hats in a white cube presentation space which used to be a bread factory
Site specific sculpture made for the exhibition De Stenen Kamer, organized by In Your Living Room
Site specific installation made for the pip expo at the old ministry of social affairs and employment. Three-dimensional infographic of the Dutch parliament.
Collaboration with Leonie Schneider. Site specific installation for one night student show in Nest.
Intentionally the thyme plants could not be reached during the exhibition, therefore they could not be watered. Eventually they dried out and died
Part of my graduation project. Architectural intervention in space
Steel plate in frame, naturally corroded outdoor for exactly two years
Whilst learning the craft of metal casting, I developed a vlogger alter ego called Funky Ifestos. As I learned everything about casting on YouTube these videos are my tribute to this subject.
Social media
Curriculum vitae
2020 - 2020Erasmus+ Training Mobility program
2017 - 2017Masterclass by Marcel Van Eeden and Barbara Seiler KABK - Den Haag
2013 - 2017Beeldende Kunst Den Haag, Koninklijke Academie van Beeldende Kunsten Diploma behaald
2010 - 2013Psychlogie Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
2023Den Haathens Okay Space Athens, Griekenland Groep
2023Prospects Van Nelle Fabriek Rotterdam, Nederland www.mondriaanfonds.nl/activiteiten/prospects/ Groep
2023Barbara Seiler Gallery Van Nelle Fabriek Rotterdam, Nederland
2022I am going to make it, you are going to make it Hgtomi Rosa Den Haag, Nederland Groep
2021Fast Lane WestEnd Den Haag, Nederland Solo
2020European Breakup- Invisible thread that connects us all Goethe-Institut Niederlande Rotterdam, Nederland Museum Night 2020 Groep
2019Through the walls Tsjechisch Centrum Rotterdam, Nederland Groep
2018Now or Never #4 Gem, Museum voor actuele kunst Den Haag, Nederland Om de twee jaar zet GEM, museum voor actuele kunst, de schijnwerpers op kunstenaars die net zijn afgestudeerd aan de Koninklijke Academie van Beeldende Kunsten (KABK) in Den Haag. De selectie van directeur Benno Tempel bestaat deze keer uit zeven Beeldende Kunst-alumni van de lichtingen van 2016 en 2017: Maria Bigaj, Lydia Buijs, Thijs Jaeger, Luis Maly, Renée van Roekel, Suzie van Staaveren en Gitte Svendsen. Samen presenteren zij hun uiteenlopende en verrassende werk in Now or Never #4. www.gem-online.nl/tentoonstellingen/now-or-never-4 Groep
2018Radiant Spaces SOZA Den Haag, Nederland In December 2018 I was invited to participate in a group exhibition which would take place in the building of the former ministry of social affairs and employment. My first thought was that this would be the perfect opportunity to make a site-specific politically engaged work. I started researching Dutch politics thinking that I would find a spicy topic I could criticize in this exhibition. This way of thinking was a dead end and fortunately I arrived at a very important realization which was: why should I, who do not follow Dutch politics, do not vote for the Dutch general elections and do not speak the language, criticize the job of the Dutch politicians? I decided to approach Dutch politics visually and use its aesthetics as inspiration. I have always found statistics graphs and infographics very interesting so I decided to use the Dutch government infographic and recreate it three dimensionally. Instead of colorful dots I used buckets filled with water and various pigments to differentiate among the different political parties. Groep
2017Fresh Dough Quartair, Contemporary art initiatives Den Haag Groep
Nuit Des Lampions Cooperations- Wiltz Wiltz, Groothertogdom Luxemburg www.ndl.lu/ Art direction team in illuminating public garden, Jardin de Wiltz
Crowdfunding campaign of Panoramic Camera Obscura Aegina municipality Athene, Griekenland
2019Wiltz, Groothertogdom Luxemburg Public sculpture for local parade
Aankopen/werken in collecties
2022Fast Lane Heden Den Haag, Nederland
2022Het Telefooncellenboek van Rotterdam Boek Gyz la Riviere Rotterdam, Nederland
2021Heimwee naar Nokia-tijdperk Krant E. Van der Haak Den Haag, Nederland
2018De Reconstructie van het nu Website Frits Dijcks Den Haag, Nederland jegensentevens.nl/2018/05/reconstructie-van-het-tijdelijke/
2017Metropolis M Magazine Eline van der Haak Den Haag, Nederland LUIS MALY –Dood in beld
2017Graduation Shows 2017: KABK Website Eline van der Haak Den Haag, Nederland www.metropolism.com/nl/reviews/32221_graduation_shows_2017_kabk
2017KABK 2017 Website Alex de Vries Amsterdam, Nederland www.mistermotley.nl/art-everyday-life/kabk-2017
2017Hoe levengsgebeurtenissen een afstudeerwerk bepalen Krant Annerieke Simeone Den Haag, Nederland www.denhaagcentraal.net/kunst/beeldende-kunst/hoe-heftige-levensgebeurtenissen-je-afstudeerwerk-kunnen-bepalen/
Prijzen en stipendia
2021Werkbijdrage Jong Talent mondriaan fonds Amsterdam, Nederland De Werkbijdrage Jong Talent is bedoeld voor beloftevolle beeldend kunstenaars. Doel is artistieke ontwikkeling en cultureel ondernemerschap te stimuleren zodat werk tot stand komt dat een betekenisvolle bijdrage kan leveren aan de hedendaagse beeldende kunst in Nederland.
2020Stroom Pro Invest (sinds 2004) Stroom, Den Haag Den Haag, Nederland De PRO Invest subsidie is bedoeld om startende kunstenaars in staat te stellen zich verder te ontwikkelen in Den Haag en een bijdrage te leveren aan de Haagse kunstwereld.
2017Fine Arts Department Award KABK Department Award Den Haag, Nederland Fine Arts Department Award
--Category: Media Art beeld & geluid Den Haag, Nederland
artistieke nevenactiviteiten
2021 - --Grafiek Docent- Kunstplan- KABK Loopt nog
2018 - 2021Instructeur Metaalwerkplaats bij KABK- Den Haag Loopt nog
2018 - 2019Workshop leader of art classes for disabled people. Cooperations Cultural Center, Wiltz, Luxembourg.
2017 - 2018Guest Teacher- Maastricht Fine Art Academy
2014 - 2018Workshop leader of art classes for children. Cooperations Cultural Center, Wiltz, Luxembourg.