film still from upcoming short experimental film, in collaboration with Lucy Cordes Engelman
Ongoing series of drawings in response to archive material and references.
Ongoing series of drawings in response to archive material and references.
excerpt, 00:18:19, mini DV transferred to HD, 2-channels, colour, sound, 1920×720 (8:3)
for The One Minutes, Squeeze Crush Press Blush, screened at Rozenstraat and W139, Amsterdam (NL)
In what ways have women artists come together to investigate their own image? This publication delves into histories of feminist and queer collective practice, expanding on the various ways women claim agency of their identity, via collaborations that connect intergenerational and far-away friendships. Each chapter features artistic and theoretical case studies that discuss images produced by women artists, about women artists; proposing that to gaze upon someone represented with care and autonomy provides more affirmative ways to relate to ourselves. It discovers that to pay homage to overlooked knowledge of women artists builds a case for the artist as researcher. Only by engaging in both roles can we unveil what is not taught in the mainstream and inspire a more inclusive, generous future. Each aspect of the book’s design is a collaborative endeavour, expanding the notion of individual authorship. It is with this sentiment that creating the publication became research in itself, via collaboration with both direct peers and an extended genealogy. “Women Looking at Women Looking at Women” is designed by Marijn van der Leeuw, Esther Vane, India Scrimgeour, Hannah Williams and Annemarie Wadlow. Published by Page Not Found
video stills
Installation view at Quartair group show, A Simple Fizz, April 2020
excerpt, 00:19:16, digital video & mini DV transferred to HD, colour, sound, 4:3
Installation view Heden
installation view KABK Graduation Show 2020
5/5 exposures. Display view at The Pole, Den Haag - solo show FLYING NO. 6. As the moon moves through its monthly cycle, becoming new over and over; five frames are exposed one by one. They signal the passing of the day, early morning to noon to night. When all frames have been exposed they come together to form a panel, a predella, or a film strip, where they can be viewed as one. Multiple, temporal scenes that project against the sky cycles small and large.
4/5 exposures. Display view at The Pole, Den Haag - solo show FLYING NO. 6. As the moon moves through its monthly cycle, becoming new over and over; five frames are exposed one by one. They signal the passing of the day, early morning to noon to night. When all frames have been exposed they come together to form a panel, a predella, or a film strip, where they can be viewed as one. Multiple, temporal scenes that project against the sky cycles small and large.
3/5 exposures. Display view at The Pole, Den Haag - solo show FLYING NO. 6. As the moon moves through its monthly cycle, becoming new over and over; five frames are exposed one by one. They signal the passing of the day, early morning to noon to night. When all frames have been exposed they come together to form a panel, a predella, or a film strip, where they can be viewed as one. Multiple, temporal scenes that project against the sky cycles small and large.
2/5 exposures. Display view at The Pole, Den Haag - solo show FLYING NO. 6. As the moon moves through its monthly cycle, becoming new over and over; five frames are exposed one by one. They signal the passing of the day, early morning to noon to night. When all frames have been exposed they come together to form a panel, a predella, or a film strip, where they can be viewed as one. Multiple, temporal scenes that project against the sky cycles small and large.
1/5 exposures. Display view at The Pole, Den Haag - solo show FLYING NO. 6. As the moon moves through its monthly cycle, becoming new over and over; five frames are exposed one by one. They signal the passing of the day, early morning to noon to night. When all frames have been exposed they come together to form a panel, a predella, or a film strip, where they can be viewed as one. Multiple, temporal scenes that project against the sky cycles small and large.
Genealogy of references, front view
Genealogy of references, back view
Video still from self-portraits as 'Reclining Woman Who Dreams'
installation view at 1646, a project space in The Hague. Situated amongst consciousness and dreamscape, current research investigates a lineage of representations of the woman in sleep – the reclining woman who dreams. By referring to images made by others and creating new ones of her own, the artist transports the sleeping woman between states of exhaustion, awareness and awake-ness. She is exposed, wilfully lost in a mirage of beauty and body, wearily accepting and rejecting confinement to a frozen place of eternal rest, eternally watched. It is in this space that we can render transparent her inner meditations, her creativity, her dreams; dreams that belong to a parallel world… We realise she is eternally aware and watching us too.
installation view (detail) at 1646, a project space in The Hague. Situated amongst consciousness and dreamscape, current research investigates a lineage of representations of the woman in sleep – the reclining woman who dreams. By referring to images made by others and creating new ones of her own, the artist transports the sleeping woman between states of exhaustion, awareness and awake-ness. She is exposed, wilfully lost in a mirage of beauty and body, wearily accepting and rejecting confinement to a frozen place of eternal rest, eternally watched. It is in this space that we can render transparent her inner meditations, her creativity, her dreams; dreams that belong to a parallel world… We realise she is eternally aware and watching us too.
Video still from self-portraits as 'Reclining Woman Who Dreams'
Social media
Maakt deel uit van Kunstenaarsinitiatief / Collectief / Broedplaats
Nice Flaps
Curriculum vitae
2018 - 2020Master Artistic Research Den Haag, Koninklijke Academie van Beeldende Kunsten Diploma behaald
2012 - 2015Design for Interaction and Moving Image University of the Arts London, London College of Communication, UK Diploma behaald
2023Light shine glimmer - Leak spill shimmer Alternative Space LOOP Seoul, Zuid-Korea altspaceloop.com/exhibitions/light-shine-glimmer-leak-spill-shimmer Groep
2023How small can you go Summer Expo Tiny Art Gallery & RUIS Nijmegen, Nederland Groep
2023Light shine glimmer - Leak spill shimmer Alternative Space LOOP Seoul, Zuid-Korea altspaceloop.com/exhibitions/light-shine-glimmer-leak-spill-shimmer Groep
2023How small can you go Summer Expo Tiny Art Gallery & RUIS Nijmegen, Nederland Groep
2022Squeeze Crush Press Blush Rozenstraat, a rose is a rose is a rose Amsterdam, Nederland Groep
2022One gets home by forgetting where they came from... Home Cinema Online screening, Nederland home.homecinema.video/ Groep
2022Film night Winterwerft Theatre Festival Frankfurt, Duitsland Groep
2022Positions: Time-Based Stroom Den Haag Den Haag, Nederland Groep
2022Bermuda Open Studio #2 Den Haag, Nederland Groep
2021Edition 2 Tiny Art Gallery the Hague Den Haag, Nederland www.instagram.com/thetinyartgallerythehague/?hl=en Groep
2021Bermuda Open Studio #1 Den Haag, Nederland Groep
2021Pandora's Box IFTF Internationales Frauen* Theater Festival Frankfurt, Duitsland iftf-frankfurt.com/events/pandoras-box-3/?lang=en Groep
2020FLYING NO. 6 - Katrina's Room: moonbeams, to negotiate a better arrangement The Pole, Den Haag The Hague, Nederland As the moon moves through its monthly cycle, becoming new over and over; five frames are exposed one by one. They signal the passing of the day, early morning to noon to night. When all frames have been exposed they come together to form a panel, a predella, or a film strip, where they can be viewed as one. Multiple, temporal scenes that project against the sky cycles small and large. thepole.nl/FLYING-NO-6 Solo
2020SHOWCASE Heden Galerie Den Haag, Nederland In the window of Heden, Annemarie Wadlow in combination with Katja Mater from Collection Heden. Groep
2020Graduation Show 2020 Royal Academy of Art The Hague Den Haag, Nederland graduation2020.kabk.nl/students/annemarie-wadlow Groep
2019I was mostly delighted, but yes, also a little bit afraid Quartair Contemporary Art Initiatives Den Haag, Nederland Contemplating how to make a collaborative work. Groep
2019The Ongoing Conversation #6 1646 Den Haag, Nederland The Ongoing Conversation #6, is part six of The Ongoing Conversation, a long term collaboration between the Master Artistic Research of the Royal Academy of Art The Hague and 1646. 1646.nl/projects/the-ongoing-conversation-6?fbclid=IwAR0NBLkwyldSts0_H-ChmNWdI4vHh8ViJOX5UlheclQGMTY-VtyMfNuI9LI Groep
2015Haphazard London College of Communication London, Verenigd Koninkrijk Groep
Nice Flaps Den Haag, Nederland www.instagram.com/niceflaps/ Artist collective that offers monthly experimental life drawing sessions in and around the Hague. We are a group with the aim to gather and observe together, to provide time to concentrate, to look, to be, without an outcome in mind other than contemplation itself.
Internationale uitwisselingen / Artist-in-residencies
2022Women Looking at Women Looking at Women: Reclaiming histories of women in the arts and proposing models to facilitate future friendships Boek Page Not Found Annemarie Wadlow Den Haag, Nederland Designed by Marijn van der Leeuw, Esther Vane, India Scrimgeour, Hannah WIlliams. First edition of 500 copies. Offset printed with self-cover and archival glassine envelope. 110 x 190 mm. 160pp.
Prijzen en stipendia
2023Best Dutch Book Design 2022 Stichting De Best Verzorgde Boeken, Amsterdam, NL Nederland Women Looking at Women Looking at Women, selected as one of 33 Best Dutch Book Designs 2022
2022Artist Start Mondriaan Fonds, NL Nederland
2022PRO Invest (sinds 2004) Stroom, Den Haag Den Haag
2020PRO Onderzoek subsidy PRO Onderzoek, Stroom Den Haag Den Haag, Nederland
2020Page Not Found Page Not Found Thesis Award Page Not Found Den Haag, Nederland
artistieke nevenactiviteiten
2022 - 2023Nice Flaps life drawing workshops for Master Collaborative Program at KABK