Exhibition overview in collaboration with Arthur Cordier
Exhibition overview in collaboration with Arthur Cordier
project overview in collaboration with Arthur Cordier
Exhibition overview in collaboration with Arthur Cordier
project overview in collaboration with Arthur Cordier
Project overview in collaboration with Job Bos
Project overview in collaboration with Job Bos
Project overview in collaboration with Job Bos
Project overview in collaboration with Marijn van der Eyden
Project overview in collaboration with Marijn van der Eyden
Project overview in collaboration with Marijn van der Eyden
Project overview in collaboration with Marijn van der Eyden
Zollamt Galerie, Offenback am Main
Zollamt Galerie, Offenback am Main
Zollamt Galerie, Offenback am Main
Zollamt Galerie, Offenback am Main
Part of contribution to Case Study Exhibition Series 1, Daniel Dmyszewicz
Part of contribution to Case Study Exhibition Series 1, Daniel Dmyszewicz
Project overview in collaboration with Marijn van der Eyden
Project overview in collaboration with Marijn van der Eyden
My old wood workshop teacher always told me to measure twice, and cut once.
Social media
Maakt deel uit van Kunstenaarsinitiatief / Collectief / Broedplaats
Hgtomi Rosa / Billytown
Curriculum vitae
2015 - 2019beeldende Kunsten (Autonoom) Den Haag, Koninklijke Academie van Beeldende Kunsten Diploma behaald
2014 - 2015Art & Design Foundation Degree Bristol School of Art Diploma behaald
2024Preconditions for Formation Rüki Galeri Viljandi Groep
2024Another Grand Day Out Kieken Centrale Antwerp , België Groep
2023All You Can Print Grafische Werkplaats The Hague , Nederland Groep
2023What used to be a beautiful villa Billytown Den Haag , Nederland
2023A Grand Day Out Kate Amsterdam , Nederland
2023Art au Centre #12 Art au Centre #12 Liege , België
2022Is Anyone In The Studio Hgtomi Rosa Den Haag Open studios presentation Groep
2022I am Going to Make it, You are Going to Make it Hgtomi Rosa The Hague , Nederland Book Launch Exhibition by Hgtomi Rosa www.instagram.com/p/ClgIiDLoGkU/?hl=en Groep
2022RSVP #2 Billytown The Hague , Nederland Groep
2021Drawing Appreciation Day ...ism project space Den Haag Groep
2020We all arrived with art Zollamt Galerie Offenbach am Main, Duitsland Groep
2020Wide Angle on Happy Valley De Helena Den Haag , Nederland Fluctuation is the motive behind Wide Angle on Happy Valley. In Autumn 2020 Hgtomi Rosa’s mission for the encounter between art and audience faced a new challenge: uncertainty. Every two weeks, in the period of just two months, life outside the exhibition was transforming faster than our works in progress. We were watching from big glass windows. Having to make predictions on a future outcome lifted some of us closer to the skies of fantasy - whist grounding others in the muds of reality. Our intentions were lingering between forming the world through fiction and collective imagination, or carving into it to find its true essence. Fiction and reality were the reasons to argue. Coexistence is the reason to float. Wide Angle on Happy Valley opens to the public in De Helena on November 27th for the Prologue… and for a second time on December 15th for the Epilogue. The process in between these two dates is also able to be viewed via private reservation (via info@hgtomirosa.com). www.hgtomirosa.com/de-helena.html Groep
2020Case Study Exhibition Series 1, Daniel Dmyszewicz Hgtomi Rosa Den Haag , Nederland Welcome to the first episode of the Case Study Exhibition Series. We want to investigate the countless things that are the parts of an impression that an individual gets when they encounter an artwork. We suspect that in group conversations about an artwork, many of the parts of this personal subjective impression are not able to see the light of day. Therefore we want to invite you to an event that emphasises the totality of an individuals’ subjective impression. In order to investigate this, The Case Study Exhibition will comprise of three elements: 1: Artwork by Daniel Dmyszewicz in the kitchen of Hgtomi Rosa, made over the course of one month in the space. 2: A talk show between 3 invited guests, in which their individual impressions of Daniels’ work will be discussed. The Talk show will follow a rigid structure. Each guest will enter into the exhibition twice with the audience. Over the course of the evening the audience will become more familiar with the work of Daniel than the guests. 3: Contributions by the members of Hgtomi Rosa in relation to the work of Daniel, exhibited in the front space. Saturday 19th September: The Talk Show Due to the current restrictions regarding Coronavirus the talk show will be held with a very limited number of people. Therefore this part of the exhibition will unfortunately work on the basis of individual invitations only. The entire Talk show will be recorded to be on view for the remaining days of the exhibition. The guests will be Mira Aluc, a soon to be announced mystery guest, and the artist Daniel Dmyszewicz himself. They will be interviewed by Gijsje Heemskerk, and the time will be kept by Alexander Webber. Sunday 20th September: The Public Opening You are welcome to come and visit the exhibition to see the work of Daniel & the work of Hgtomi Rosa, as well as the recording of the talk show which will be present as a video installation. We ask you to please make a reservation via the eventbrite link above, so that we can guarantee everybody can see the exhibition in a safe and responsible manner. www.youtube.com/watch?v=nSX0KtjUIUA&t=2101s&ab_channel=HgtomiRosa
2019The Handshake Hgtomi Rosa The Hague, Nederland The Handshake is as much about the event itself as it is about us as artists and our artwork. Every new creation must step into the world at some point, the survivors on the island need to communicate with the outside world and the significance of this is a planted milestone that begins to define the possibilities of the currently imperceptible future. The first verse of the poem has been written, somehow addressed to the rest of verses to come. As a group we made a decision for a form / structure that set us a constructive constraint that we have worked with. The different works somehow has a formal response to the event, whilst independent aims and goals are present, they fuse into the open space of the event. It is a natural gesture of exchange. Through the handshake, a folded piece of paper is placed into your hand. You decided to come here, and in return you (might) get something nice. Perhaps that is a new relation, a connection with us in a different way, a new deal, something inspiring that you dream about afterwards, a first communication with the survivors from the island… who might not yet know the answers, but it is clear they need to communicate. www.hgtomirosa.com/ Groep
2019Art is Popcorn for the Brain Galerie HBK Saar Saarbrücken , Duitsland “[…] the meaning of an episode was not inside like a kernel but outside, enveloping the tale which brought it out only as a glow brings out a haze, in the likeness of one of these misty halos that sometimes are made visible by the spectral illumination of moonshine.” - Joseph Conrad "It is not the corn kernel itself, but the poppedness of it which brings out its meaning and turns it into art. An uncooked idea without a pop will forever remain at the bottom of the bag. A corn kernel requires the drive, the heat to turn it into popcorn. An enveloping idea true to the motto: “Don’t stop, make it pop” - Ke$ha Art is popcorn for the brain präsentiert in der Galerie der HBKsaar Werke von Künstler*innen aus Tallinn, Den Haag, Dublin, Vancouver, Offenbach und Saarbücken, die sich aus der Zeit gemeinsamer Residenzen freundschaftlich und künstlerisch miteinander verbunden fühlen. galerie.hbksaar.de/veranstaltung/art-is-popcorn-for-the-brain alexanderwebber.eu/ttiwaoiin.html Groep
2019The Idiots Trixie The Hague , Nederland Think about Dostoevsky’s Idiot and the Idiots of Lars Von Trier. When thinking about the work of the Idiots exhibiting in Trixie, the viewer is often confronted with what seems to be a ‘pseudo logic’: decisions seem to be based on inimitable connections between things most people would call un-noteworthy. They are seriously engaged with subjects that are laughable, obscure and banal at the same time. Tiny anecdotes or experiences can lead to an intense immersion. This is where the idea of the idiot comes into play. At first glance the viewer might feel somewhat divorced from understanding, or might even feel endeared. But like the people surrounding Dostoevsky’s idiot, when more attention is given, it becomes apparent that the things that seemed to be ‘of the idiot’ are actually of everyone. alexanderwebber.eu/haw.html Groep
2018Great Results on All Machines Green Hall, Telliskivi Tallinn , Estland123 The students' group exhibition “Great Results on All Machines” of the EAA Sculpture and Installation Department is open from 18:00 to 20:00 daily, May 18, at the Telliskivi Creative Campus Green Hall. https://www.artun.ee/installatsiooni-ja-skulptuuritudengite-naitus-great-results-on-all-machines/ alexanderwebber.eu/htswikswc.html Groep
2018Noise of Being Kalev Boxing Gym Tallinn , Estland123 Plastic Shamanism, Exercise Heaven, Affirmation Magic, Endurance Tunnel, Motivation Karaoke. alexanderwebber.eu/brk.html Groep
2018A Foreign Affair Helena van Doeverenplantsoen 3 The Hague , Nederland KABK Pre-end exam exhibition alexanderwebber.eu/fp.html Groep
PIP Expo Den Haag , Nederland www.instagram.com/pip_expo/?hl=en One night duo expositions held in PIP Den Haag organised in collaboration with Laura Snijders
Acts of Opening alexanderwebber.eu/acts-of-opening.html Acts of Opening is a series of collaborations with people that might know something about how to open something. The project is currently focussing on the state of the exhibition space, and it's apparent urgency to be open for events, exhibitors, viewers, and various other actors.
Rock Talks Den Haag, Nederland www.hgtomirosa.com/rocktalks.html Hgtomi Rosa created a project that experiments with gatherings around the rock of Robin Whitehouse. In the first two of these gatherings we began to discuss how to continue collectively after the corona crisis. https://jegensentevens.nl/2020/06/the-rock-talk-project/
Internationale uitwisselingen / Artist-in-residencies
2018Eesti Kunstiakadeemia (EKA) Tallinn , Estland123 Erasmus exchange to the Sculpture and Installation Department
Aankopen/werken in collecties
--Oh Makita! The Archives, Peter van Beveren Library Den Haag Series of 3 A1 Screen prints
2021Kunst_planten op de Intensive Care @ Hgtomi Rosa Jegens en Tevens Den Haag https://jegensentevens.nl/2021/03/kunst_planten-op-de-intensive-care-hgtomi-rosa/
Prijzen en stipendia
2024Development Voucher Mondriaan Fonds, NL Nederland
2023Makersregeling Gemeente Den Haag
2023Stroom Pro Invest
2022Pro invest / Stroom, Den Haag Nederland
2022Stroom PRO Kunstprogramma Grant Nederland
artistieke nevenactiviteiten
2022 - --Guest Lecturer & studio visits at The Estonian Academy of Arts (Bachelor exhibition workshop course) Loopt nog
2019 - 2275Hgtomi Rosa (Artist initiative) Loopt nog