@Goed Folk. A performance presenting my series "Vinous Landscape". Performed at Daisy Chain, The Hague during Bermuda Open Studios.
@Goed Folk. A performance presenting my series "Vinous Landscape". Performed at Daisy Chain, The Hague during Bermuda Open Studios.
@Goed Folk. A performance presenting my series "Vinous Landscape". Performed at Daisy Chain, The Hague during Bermuda Open Studios.
A narrative inspired by events and encounters that took place
A narrative inspired by events and encounters that took place during a month long residency in October 2024 in Godki, PL. Organised by Fundacja Ziemniakii.
Tin melting experiments on soil by carving drawings into it. Crochet with agriculture rope.
Tin melting experiments on soil by carving drawings into it. Crochet with agriculture rope.
Making wine in Grottole, Italy, in September 2024. Observing gestures, objects, expressions, landscapes, arrangements
The French expression, “enfiler des perles” means “to put beads on a thread.” This phrase describes the act of doing something that seems futile or useless. It was first used by the writer François Rabelais in his novels “Gargantua and Pantagruel” back in 1534. In the story, a group of men watch women threading beads and debate the pointlessness of the activity. Creating shapes out of beads, shaping my drawings, shaping my work. An artist life of unecessary details. Finding purpose in uselessness.
Installation detail
Retracing the history, tradition and the social and environmental realities of the Limburg wine-growing landscape. This performance as well delved into the role the Dutch had in the development of the French wine landscape. Using classic wine-tasting techniques, the public is invited to taste four wines. The artist will juxtapose these tastings with readings, masks and poems. This performance was developped as part of the Jan Naaijkens Price with Kunstpodium T, Tilburg. Supported by Stroom Den Haag.
installation detail
installation detail
An installation in resonance with the performance (see previous slide). Drawings inspired by wanderings in Dutch vine fields and the taste of those wines. This installation was developped as part of the Jan Naaijkens Price with Kunstpodium T, Tilburg. Supported by Stroom Den Haag.
Courtesy of Galerie Hors-Cadre
Courtesy of Galerie Hors-Cadre
Coat-of-mail with kimmeridgian limestones from Chablis
Collaborative work made with 16 pupils from the Pommier Janson Primary school in Saint Florentin, France.
Collaborative work made with 16 pupils from the Pommier Janson Primary school in Saint Florentin, France.
As part of my residency with "Création en Cours".
Exhbition view. Part of Springboard Art Fair
Installation, sound and wishes.
This piece is focused on the roles of winegrowers cooperatives within their landscapes, considering their social, economical and geographical impacts. Parallels are drawn between this system and artists’ collaboration and collectives, proposing a wider reflection on notions of heritage, tradition and consumption in both wine and art worlds. This is the first iteration of a series of performances.
installation detail
credits: Lena Longefay
Installation details
credits: Lena Longefay
Part of Sprinboard Art Fair
Part of Springboard Art Fair
Installation, sound and wishes.
credits: Lena Longefay
The “Peintures-masques” are inspired by two details found on a painting and a photograph representing female figures (Triptych of Crucifixion, detail, Rogier van der Weyden, 1440-1445. Museum of Art History, Vienna. Woman with a Flag, Tina Modotti, 1st of May 1928). These paintings-with-a-hole are considered as a displacement. It is an invitation to change position, to wear a mask and become another, where saints and revolutionaries meet. With the paintings, some small mirrors enable the audience to see themselves.
The “Peintures-masques” are inspired by two details found on a painting and a photograph representing female figures (Triptych of Crucifixion, detail, Rogier van der Weyden, 1440-1445. Museum of Art History, Vienna. Woman with a Flag, Tina Modotti, 1st of May 1928). These paintings-with-a-hole are considered as a displacement. It is an invitation to change position, to wear a mask and become another, where saints and revolutionaries meet. With the paintings, some small mirrors enable the audience to see themselves.
credits: Lena Longefay
@Stroom Den Haag Hélène Cixous’ libidinal economy in writing is an alternative affect-ive economy in which the act of giving is no longer giving for receiving back, as a circular movement, but is rather an economy of the desire for giving where the “I” disappears. This fragile installation of beads forming the sentence “An Economy of Inactivity” is holding up, with many very thin threads, images and texts encountered that inspire my practice. Floating gift-images threatening to fall at any moment, intermingling and winding up. An economy of my artist life.
credits: Lena Longefay Thanks to Gerogie Brinkman, Leonie Brandner, Daphne Monastirioti and Johannes Equizi.
@Stroom Den Haag Hélène Cixous’ libidinal economy in writing is an alternative affect-ive economy in which the act of giving is no longer giving for receiving back, as a circular movement, but is rather an economy of the desire for giving where the “I” disappears. This fragile installation of beads forming the sentence “An Economy of Inactivity” is holding up, with many very thin threads, images and texts encountered that inspire my practice. Floating gift-images threatening to fall at any moment, intermingling and winding up. An economy of my artist life. affect-ive economy in which the act of giving is no longer giving for receiving back, as a circular movement, but is rather an economy of the desire for giving where the “I” disappears. This fragile installation of beads forming the sentence “An Economy of Inactivity” is holding up, with many very thin threads, images and texts encountered that inspire my practice. Floating gift-images threatening to fall at any moment, intermingling and winding up. An economy of my artist life.
@Stroom Den Haag Hélène Cixous’ libidinal economy in writing is an alternative affect-ive economy in which the act of giving is no longer giving for receiving back, as a circular movement, but is rather an economy of the desire for giving where the “I” disappears. This fragile installation of beads forming the sentence “An Economy of Inactivity” is holding up, with many very thin threads, images and texts encountered that inspire my practice. Floating gift-images threatening to fall at any moment, intermingling and winding up. An economy of my artist life. affect-ive economy in which the act of giving is no longer giving for receiving back, as a circular movement, but is rather an economy of the desire for giving where the “I” disappears. This fragile installation of beads forming the sentence “An Economy of Inactivity” is holding up, with many very thin threads, images and texts encountered that inspire my practice. Floating gift-images threatening to fall at any moment, intermingling and winding up. An economy of my artist life.
credits: Jacques Martens, Performance Site
credits: Jacques Martens, Performance Site
credits: Lena Longefay
credits: Joheko, 1646, Ruimtevaart
credits: Joheko, 1646, Ruimtevaart
credits: Lena Longefay
credits: Lena Longefay
credits: Lena Longefay
credits: Lena Longefay
credits: Joel Bartoloméo
credits: Joel Bartoloméo
credits: Les Laboratoires d'Aubervilliers
credits: Les Laboratoires d'Aubervilliers
credits: Lena Longefay
credits: Lena Longefay
Social media
Maakt deel uit van Kunstenaarsinitiatief / Collectief / Broedplaats
Member of Daisy Chain artist studios collective. Member of Fabas, experimental cooking duo together with artist Alejandra Lopez.
Curriculum vitae
2024 - 2025The Gramounce, online fellow The Gramounce
2024 - 2024Introduction to Jewellery TU Delft, Delft, Nederland
2023 - 2023WSET 2 Université du Vin, Paris, France
2019 - 2021Master Artistic Research Den Haag, Koninklijke Academie van Beeldende Kunsten Diploma behaald
2015 - 2018Bachelor Fine Arts Ecole supérieure d'Art et de Design Grenoble Diploma behaald
2024Living Apart Together Greylight Projects Herleen, Nederland Expositie Kunstpodium T: Jan Naaijkens Award winners greylightprojects.org/expositie-kunstpodium-t-jan-naaijkens-award-winners/ Groep
2024Fabas 1646 Den Haag, Nederland For The Hague Contemporary Art Weekend, 1646 invited the artist duo, Fabas, to curate two events in their garden. 1646.nl/program/the-hague-contemporary-art-weekend-2/ Duo
2023Sunny Side Up, Springboard Art Fair 2023 Utrecht, Frankrijk Curated by Jip Hinten. Group show together with Hannah Meijer, Antonio Decaro and Koen Kievits as part of Srpingboard Art Fair. Solo
2023Le territoire en cotte de mailles 2023 Auxerre, Frankrijk A wine tasting performance, performed in French about the specificty of the "terroir" of Yonne, a region in Northern Burgundy. Solo
2023Saint-Flo-Les-Vignes 2023 Saint-Florentin, Nederland A vitrine exhibition with the works produces during the residency "Création en Cours" with children from the school Pommier Janson in Saint-Florentin, France. Solo
2022Slient meetings and loud breaks Stroom Den Haag Den Haag, Nederland Position #4 An exhibition sharing new works, wine tasting performance and the very firs Try-Out Gallery sessions. www.stroom.nl/activiteiten/kleine_presentatie.php?kt_id=6401694 Solo
2022When the windows are open Kunstpodium T Tilburg, Nederland Part of Apprentice/Master Program. Groep
2022Season Highlights 2022 Tilburg, Frankrijk Part of Apprentice/Master Program. kunstpodium-t.com/season-highlights/ Groep
2022The Department od Collective Collaborations Kunstpodium T Tilburg Part of Apprentice/Master Program. Winner of the Jan Naijkens Prijs. kunstpodium-t.com/season-highlights/ Groep
2022Le territoire en cotte de mailles 2021 Brosses, Nederland A wine tasting performance, performed in French about the specificty of the "terroir" of Yonne, a region in Northern Burgundy. Solo
2021Fun Kissed/Fog Off 2021 The Hague, Nederland Group show organised collaboratively with the students of the master Artistic Research, KABK and curator Maike Orlando Gouwenberg. "The one hour residency" is an initiative that proposed to some of the artists part of the show anresidency of one hour together with me. During this chared hour conversations happened. The documentation of this event is a residency contract and some pictures. kabkmar.hotglue.me/ Groep
2021Less Than 8000 A Year 2021 Den Haag, Nederland MA graduation work. graduation2021.kabk.nl/students/lena-longefay Groep
2021Freed From Desire 2 2021 Bletterans, Nederland "Moon Spits", installation with sound, focusing on a cyano-bacteria called Nostoc. freedfromdesire.cargo.site/FFD2 Groep
2021Drawing Appretiation Day 2021 Den Haag, Nederland Initiated by the collective Hgtomi Rosa. A series of three masks and an appreciation on Jan Dirk Adams' drawing. Groep
2021Momentje Alstublieft, I'm Lost for Words 2020 Den Haag, Nederland An invitation of Pip expo. A group show created, built and curated together with Adele Dipasquale and Struggling Art Space (Tianyi Zheng and Jessie Tam). www.instagram.com/p/CX3SnpKIEir/ Duo
2020Performance Site De Helena Den Haag, Nederland Performance presented during event organised by Performance Site. "A Drowning Conversation". www.facebook.com/Performancesite/ Groep
2020Infusions 2020 Rotterdam, Nederland Inivted by the collective Eathouse. A buffet installation inspired on Hildegard von Bingen's writing. Created together with Alejandra Lopez Martinez. www.kunstinstituutmelly.nl/en/engage/1115-eathouse-x-alejandra-lopez-lena-longefay Duo
2020Other Ways Of Watching Together 2020 Rotterdam, Nederland Projection and performance festival organised over 3 weeks by the Rotterdam based collective Neverland Cinema. The performance "What Is That We Are Doing With Life?" was presented, gathering thoughts around Spinoza's concept of conatus. thisismama.nl/en/events/home-en/other-ways-of-watching-together/#1603284200-2 Groep
2020A Simple Fizz 2020 The Hague, Nederland Group show organised collaboratively with the students of the master Artistic Research, KABK. "The Self Defense Bar" was an in-situ piece that consisted on selling beers with "self defense kits" (a mask and a small bread "pistolet"). The bar tenders were changing every hour and had to wear a balaklava. www.quartair.nl/mar-at-quartair/ Groep
2020The Ongoing Conversation #7 2019 The Hague, Nederland Curated by 1646, the work "Relationscapes: Sausages,Balloons, Trees And Stones". Gathering a research on sausages, extending its meanings and questioning art traditional displays. 1646.nl/projects/the-ongoing-conversation-7 Groep
2019Mozaïque des lexiques #11 2019 Aubervillers, Polen "C'est grâce à mon vocabulaire que je parle, bien que je ne sois pas toujours d'accord avec lui" is a group performance, performed once by 16 students from the Ecole Supérieure d'Art of Grenoble, on an invitation by Antoinette Ohanessiand and Benjamin Serror. This collaborative piece can be described as a brief saga of what we do with our own vocabularies. leslaboratoires.org/sites/leslaboratoires.org/files/mosaique_des_lexiques_numero_un_feuille_de_salle_web.pdf Groep
2016Marathon Vidéo 2018 Paris, Frankrijk Video work Groep
2016The Haymaking 2016 Grenoble, Frankrijk Bachelor diploma work, a solo performance on rural labour, bodies, traditions and spirituality. Groep
Daniela Ortiz, (Anti)Colonial Monuments Kadist Paris, Frankrijk kadist.org/program/anticolonial-monuments/ Collaborative research hosted by the research platform "Pratiques d'Hospitalité" curated by Katia Schneller and Simone Frangi. Gathering 7 students from the Ecole Supérieure d'Art of Grenoble, and the artist Daniela Ortiz. The research culminated with a short film presented at the Kadist Foundation in Paris, followed up by a discussion reflecting on the monuments of Jean-François Champollion and their institutionalised colonial heritage.
C’est Comme Si Cette Marche Comblait Le Vide Créé Par Les Musées MAC VAL Vitry sur Seine, Frankrijk www.macval.fr/Gaelle-Choisne Restitution of a workshop led by 7 students from the Ecole Supérieure d'Art of Grenoble, and the artist Gaëlle Choisne hosted by the research platform “Pratiques d'Hospitalité”. Revoicing the show “Persona non grata” organised by the National Museum of Immigration History and the MAC VAL in 2018. The research took the form of a performed walk throughout Paris' suburbs linking the two museums, questioning the institutionalisation of the French colonial history.
Internationale uitwisselingen / Artist-in-residencies
2024Nouveau Grand Tour Grottole, Italië Wonder Grottole
2023Freed From Desire Bletterans, Frankrijk A one week residency with young emerging artists in France. freedfromdesire.cargo.site/
2023Ateliers Médicis Saint-Florentin, Frankrijk Residency "Création en Cours" with Ateliers Médicis www.ateliersmedicis.fr/le-reseau/projet/vineuses-26167
2021University of Arts Poznan Poznan, Frankrijk A 6 months exchange in the art faculty of intermedia. uap.edu.pl/
2020Hier Aujourd'hui Demain Boek Editions Raté Lena Longefay Grenoble, Frankrijk 2020 An autobiography in a 100 pages.
2018Fermenting Affinities: Economy, Micropolitics and Art Practices of Friendship Boek Lena Longefay Den Haag, Frankrijk 2018 This publication addresses the question of friendships as a way of becoming political. It is a collection of different thoughts, mixing anecdotal, theoretical, conversational and poetical thinking on how friendships are activated within given circumstances. The thesis is divided into four parts: “One in a rhythm several in different rhythms”, “Friendships as a relational economy”, “Micropolitics of a language beyond control” and “Prolific fermentations and cross-pollinations”.
2020Relationscape: Sausages, Balloons, Trees and Stones Magazine Lena Longefay for Food& Berlin, Duitsland foodand.eu/publications/foodand-gravity An article and images gathering a research that was shown in The Hague at De Helena with 1646 in June 2020. Ecompassing notions of language and meaning, the article plays aroound words definitions, trying to make sense with non-sense.
Prijzen en stipendia
2024Artist Start Grant Mondriaan Fonds (voorheen Fonds BKVB) Nederland
2022Jan Naijkens Prijs Kunstpodium T Tilburg, Nederland Awarded
2022ProInvest Grant (sinds 2004) Stroom, Den Haag Den Haag, Nederland Awarded
20215ème édition du Prix pour l’Art Contemporain du Départment de l’Isère et de la résidence Moly Sabata Moly Sabata Grenoble, Frankrijk Shortlisted
artistieke nevenactiviteiten
2023 - 2024Apprenticeship in Domaine des Masques, a wine estate in Provence, France.
2021 - --Fabas, a cooking collective. Loopt nog
2018 - 2020The Try-Out Gallery Loopt nog