Close-up van test onderwerp in pot
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3D Schets voor aankomende project 'The Five Stages of Recomposition (working title)'. 2 ideeën voor installaties. 1 is gebaseerd op het menselijk skelet en het exoskelet van insecten. De ander is gebaseerd op organen en schelp dieren. Het testen en produceren van de eerste stukken start in september, met de planning om begin 2025 een groepstentoonstelling over 'othering' te organiseren in Quartair Den Haag.
Close-up abstract beeld
overzicht van de opstelling
Een samenwerkingsproject tussen mijzelf en Guillaume Lelong. Dit workshop project is een combinatie van digitaal en analoog waar we beelden hebben gemaakt die we vervolgens omzetten in een geluidsfrequentie met behulp van het principe van een spectogram
Een samenwerking tussen mijzelf, Michela Meliddo en Saber Ammar. Onderdeel van MA programma NLN in samenwerking met HIVOS, tentoongesteld in The Grey Space in the Middle
Een samenwerking tussen mijzelf, Michela Meliddo en Saber Ammar. Onderdeel van MA programma NLN in samenwerking met HIVOS, tentoongesteld in The Grey Space in the Middle
Een van de afbeeldingen uit mijn reeks voor Anthroposphere: Oxford Climate Review magazine. Het concept van verval, wedergeboorte en transformatie, maar onderzocht door de lens van het Antropoceen en de natuur. De afbeeldingen speculeren over een nieuwe non-human natuurlijke entiteit dat het Antropoceen zal overstijgen en bestaansrecht eist.
Voorkant van een poezie bundel geschreven in samenwerking met A.I. De bundel bevat gedichten over non-binary post-humane toekomst beelden die de realiteit van het Kapitalisme en het Antropoceen overstijgen.
Introductie spread
Gedicht + Beeld spread
Beeld spread
Beeld spread
Gedicht + Beeld spread
Officiele portfolio website NVDP
www.nvdpdesign.comSocial media
Curriculum vitae
2023 - 2023Tech Week Royal Academy of Arts the Hague (KABK)
2023 - 2023
2022 - 2024Master Non Linear Narrative Den Haag, Koninklijke Academie van Beeldende Kunsten Diploma behaald
2017 - 2021Bachelor Grafische Vormgeving Utrecht, HKU faculteit Kunst en Vormgeving Diploma behaald
20242023 Koninklijke Academie van Beeldende Kunsten Den Haag, Nederland Afstudeershow van KABK 2024. graduation.kabk.nl/2024/nigel-van-der-pol Groep
20232023 The Grey Space in the Middle Den Haag, Nederland Testimonies of Change documents the joint efforts of eight KABK students of the Non-Linear Narrative master program with six independent human rights activists. Students of the Royal Academy of Arts (KABK) master Non Linear Narrative are hosting an exhibition platform and a series of panel discussions focusing on 21st century practices of social justice informed by postcolonial perspectives. The related events focus on the lived experiences of six independent human rights activists, who have been campaigning against climate change, and for LGBTQI+ and women’s rights in Namibia, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Niger and Tunisia. thegreyspace.net/program/testimonies-of-change-12-04-2023/ Groep
20232021 Quartair Den Haag, Nederland As part of Hoogtij #76 and our MA program at KABK, we organized an event that served as a testing ground for our graduation research. Or as the Quartair site puts it: "six contemporary makers from the masters Non Linear Narrative (Royal Academy of Art/KABK), will be showcasing their thesis research in a playful and open manner." www.quartair.nl/echoes-of-reflection-what-remains-in-light-of-change/ Groep
2021Exposure 2021 Kapitaal Utrecht, Nederland Online en offline afstudeershow van Bachelor Graphic Design HKU Media lichting 2021 exposure2021.hku.nl
In the Process of Becoming Something Else Entirely Royal Academy of Art The Hague Den Haag, Nederland graduation.kabk.nl/2024/nigel-van-der-pol 'In the Process of Becoming Something Else Entirely' explores a series of prototypes for fictional bodies. It presents an assemblage of body parts, in the process of becoming imperceptible. Through contortion and mutation, these new creatures reflect both the beauty and the terror of what it means to be othered. 'In The Process Of Becoming Something Else Entirely' proposes to see the out-of-place, not as a place of alienation, but as a place of possibility. NVDP sees fiction as a vehicle to queer the body. NVDP utilizes their experience as a non-binary gender-queer entity, and their love for the fictional territories of body horror, role playing games and sci-fi as a means to (de)construct and fantasize different physical potentialities and subvert the notion of a ‘normal’, ‘attractive’ or ‘legible’ body.
The Five Stages of Recomposition (working title) Den Haag, Nederland A continuation of sorts on my graduation work 'In the Process of Becoming Something Else Entirely' where I want to explore 3D installations revolving around embodiment and different ways of viewing a body. This project will lean in more on the ideas proposed in Body Horror media where bodies transform, mutate and contort, and the title is a playful twist on the five stages of decomposition, but instead of decay, or horror, I want to focus on transformation, making new bodily contellations, creating new creatures that have qualities that can be read as 'bodily' like skeletal features, organs, limbs etc. A way to queer the idea one has of what a body can mean, through horror and science fiction.
The Body is...of the Flesh Quartair (NL) Den Haag, Nederland quartair.nl/echoes-of-reflection-what-remains-in-light-of-change/ A project that revolves around what a body can be. It features a projected video loop of a body mass becoming more and more abstract and deconstructed, while 'subtitles' explained what a body can be, starting from more anatomically correct notions towards more abstract and philosophical notions. The video was accompanied by two small 3D printed body horror figurines who defied the idea of normal bodies. It was a playful test research that would lead me to discover some themes, and materials for my actual graduation work 'In the Process of Becoming Something Else Entirely'
The European Sandcastle The Grey Space in The Middle, Den Haag Den Haag, Nederland A collaborative project with fellow artist Michela Meliddo, who was also part of the MA program Non Linear Narrative, and Saber Ammar, an environmental activist from Tunisia. The project is a two-channel video installation that narrates the story of greenwashing and environmental exploitation in Tunisia by European companies. The video was split up in three chapters, the first explained the colonial history of Tunisia, the second chapter explained what renewable energy techniques are being deployed in Tunisia by Europe and the third chapter explains how these techniques are then used for European gain as Tunisia is left with drought and famine even though Europe promised that these renewable energy sources would benefit their country.
Transcendental Shores: Post-human Poetry HKU Utrecht, Nederland exposure2021.hku.nl/p/transcendental-shores-post-human-poetry Imagine a future where we can use our minds to their full potential. A future in which we can overcome bodily limitations and dismantle binary thinking, dismantle social constructs (and inscriptions) and dismantle the neoliberal and capitalist hegemonies. Imagine a world of peace, abundance, symbioses and harmony. A world where all borders between man, machine and nature are disappearing. 'Transcendental Shores' is a collection of speculative poems that focus on a non–binary state of existence and functions as a manifest to re-conceive what it means to be human. Co-written by algorithmic language models: it uses artificial intelligence as a ‘second’ creative brain and a nonhuman, non-binary discourse partner. It is an exciting co-operation between man and machine, portraying a prelude to a post-human future.
2024Warschau, Polen 3D beelden voor mode stukken voor gender neutraal clubwear merk Doom3K. doom3k.store/products/hyperglow-tribal-crest-x-nvdp Uitgevoerd
2024Den Haag, Nederland Visuele identieit, 3D beelden voor album hoezen, poster en merchandising voor obscuur electronica label Antidermis Group. soundcloud.com/antidermisgroup
2023Berlijn, Duitsland 3D beelden voor diverse album hoezen voor Duits techno/psytrance label Terenor. terenor-records.bandcamp.com/album/true-reflections Uitgevoerd
2024Becoming Monstrous: Queering Horror to investigate bodies & gender. NVDP Den Haag, Nederland denhaagkabk-my.sharepoint.com/personal/r_amaro_kabk_nl/_layouts/15/onedrive.aspx?id=%2Fpersonal%2Fr%5Famaro%5Fkabk%5Fnl%2FDocuments%2F2023%2D24%2FYr%202%20%2D%20Thesis%2FChapter%20Submissions%2FNVDP%2FFinal%20Thesis%2FNigel%20van%20der%20Pol%5FBecoming%20 My graduation thesis at KABK, this thesis is exploring Gender and Identity through the concept of Monstrosity in Postmodern Narratives of Queer Horror. The urgency of this topic lies in the growing recognition of diverse gender identities and the evolving cultural discourse surrounding queerness in the postmodern context and expanding them into more fictional territories, particularly within the realm of horror cinema and literature. Drawing upon theoretical frameworks from Susan Stryker, Gilles Deleuze, Donna Haraway, and others, this study adopts a postmodern, posthuman, and queer theoretical lens to analyze the narratives of body horror and queerness. The methodological approach involves close textual analysis of selected films, such as 'Tetsuo: The Iron Man' and 'Titane,' alongside critical engagement with relevant theoretical literature, to explore the ways in which these narratives depict and challenge gender norms and identity constructs. The projected outcome of this research is to contribute to the ongoing debate surrounding gender, identity, as well as exploring themes of monstrosity and horror narratives and queering them, so they can serve as sites of resistance, transformation, and reclamation.
2023FAKE2-120AMERICA Vinyl/Lp NVDP New York , Verenigde Staten fakenyc.bandcamp.com/album/fake2-120america uitgever FAKE bracht hun tweede LP uit '120AMERICA' met bijgevoegd een zine waarin mijn essay getiteld '“Sulphur, Sin or Synergy: On BDSM and Othering” is opgenomen
2023Anthroposphere: The Oxford Climate Review NVDP Oxford, Verenigd Koninkrijk www.anthroposphere.co.uk/ A published page with my images, in Anthroposphere: The Oxford Climate Review, which is an interdisciplinary magazine founded at Oxford University and open to students from around the world. We cover climate change and the environment through the lenses of natural science, economics, policy, politics, literature, pop culture, and much more.
2021Transcendental Shores: Post-human Poetry Boek NVDP Utrecht, Nederland exposure2021.hku.nl/p/transcendental-shores-post-human-poetry Imagine a future where we can use our minds to their full potential. A future in which we can overcome bodily limitations and dismantle binary thinking, dismantle social constructs (and inscriptions) and dismantle the neoliberal and capitalist hegemonies. Imagine a world of peace, abundance, symbioses and harmony. A world where all borders between man, machine and nature are disappearing. 'Transcendental Shores' is a collection of speculative poems that focus on a non–binary state of existence and functions as a manifest to re-conceive what it means to be human. Co-written by algorithmic language models: it uses artificial intelligence as a ‘second’ creative brain and a nonhuman, non-binary discourse partner. It is an exciting co-operation between man and machine, portraying a prelude to a post-human future.
artistieke nevenactiviteiten
2023 - --mede-oprichter en hoofd visuele identieit van experimenteel muziek label Mutant Modality Loopt nog
2021 - --grafisch ontwerp opdrachten (voornamelijk met mensen in de muziek en mode industrie) Loopt nog